Wind surfers and Para-sailers in the hurricane behind us
The Danes combat this the same way we do: get outside lots, stay active and have friends over for nice food and candlelight. This is called having a "hyggelig" time (pronounced hew-gely, loosely interpreted as "cozy").
Steen reading in front of the fire he built
The clouds, the wind and the rain mean a bit more seclusion on my part but I'm trying to combat this with workouts and running. I have found that I'm not anywhere near ready for retirement and need some things to keep me busy. While paying for a photo-radar ticket we also found out that my Alberta Driver's license is only good for 90 days. I can get a new Danish license after a driving test but only when I get my CPR number (see blog post #1), so I'm going to have my wings clipped soon. That's not as dramatic as it sounds because I have a bike and public transit, but still not good news.
Learning the Danish language is still my prime objective but I can't take free lessons until I get my CPR number (see blog post #1). Paying for them is an option, but we are running a much tighter budget here than we ever have in the past. There is a simple reason for this:
Results of scientific study
I could probably find a job, but I need…….. (see post #1). Meanwhile, my objective is to schedule myself busy with worthwhile and meaningful tasks, keep fit and maintain a positive outlook. In fact, there is a section of blue sky between the clouds as I write this. Things are looking up!